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Milipol Paris 2013
Publish time:2012-12-07

Milipol Paris 2013-The Worldwide Exhibition of International State Security

Exhibition information:

Date:18-21 Oct. 2013Venue:Paris, France

Exhibition cycle:Every two years
Introduction:Milipol Paris, the well-established international exhibition for Internal State security, provides the ideal place for suppliers of security products and services to meet relevant decision-makers and advisers from around the world and especially from the Middle East, the Near East and Asia. The most modern equipment in the field of internal security can be inspected on site and contracts agreed.
Exhibits profile:
Protection armor, Security INAROE, Criminal investigation equipment, Safety protection, Armed with guns, Security security.


Adresse:10 Rue BaiFuQuan,Zone ChangPing,Centre IT ZhongGuanCun,Beijing    Tel:0086-10-89760039     Code Postal:102200

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